Deatails of Quick Shortcut maker

 First thing first, this is what this app is mainly capable of. With it, you can actually make shortcuts of the apps you have from your list of activities on Android. Of course, they must be the ones installed on the device though. Still, if you can pick an activity smoothly with so many apps installed, it would be really helpful when you need the app ASAP.

Of course, this app is not only capable of making shortcuts for obvious apps on your Android. Need to be known, it can do just the same to hidden setting screens. Since they are not usually accessible, having able to access them easily is more help you can expect to get from the app. Not all apps can give quick shortcut this convenient for us, you see.

Making shortcut with QuickShortcutMaker for Android is easy. However, in case it does not work for whatever reasons, there is still one alternative you can try. It is procedure of some steps, but straight and clear ones. Follow it and you will be able to enjoy the fun of accessing apps quickly in the palm of your hand. It is handy app we have here, indeed
